Sheep hunting

AAA's 40 Inch Rams

AAA's 40 Inch Rams

I have added a new photo page to the blog titled AAA Outfitters Guides and Packers to highlight the many outstanding guides and packers that worked for us over the years.  They are mainly the ones before my retirement.  Also, AAA’s marketing video is back on the blog so if you haven’t watched it you may find it interesting.  Hope you enjoy the story, video and photos of our staff.

When Brent and I formed AAA Alaskan Outfitters we had more combined sheep hunting experience than any other guide operation in Alaska.  Pair that with our newly acquired Wrangell Mountain sheep area and we had just the right recipe for success.  During our first season Brent and I were 100% successful guiding six sheep hunters with the first two hunters taking a 40 ¼” and a 39 incher.  We had an overall average of 38”.  Over the next twenty-one years we harvested 106 rams with an average horn length of 37”.  Fourteen of those rams were over 40” and another thirteen over 39” which was just a little over 25% of our rams.  There was no other guide operation in Alaska with a record like that.  I doubt if anyone nowadays could take an average of 5 rams and have a 37” average horn length.

The Tonsina Glacier Area

The Tonsina Glacier Area

It’s August 10, my birthday and the first day of sheep season.   I’m at home and not in the mountains. There is something wrong with this picture.  A number of events led up to my not celebrating my birthday sheep hunting.  A road trip, a new job and a major operation were a few of the reasons that my sheep hunting partners couldn’t go with me.  I’m kind of bummed, but the last four days presented constant rain in the area where we were to hunt.  And, there is another low pressure system coming in so thinking about lying in the tent listening to the rain is not something any of us enjoy.  There is always next year and even at my age I still have that desire to be in the mountains hunting sheep.  However, I no longer have a burning desire to personally take a sheep.  I just enjoy being in those majestic mountains with the special people in my life.  Hopefully, next year.

The following story is about a truly tough sheep hunt with my good friend and hunting partner, Lyle Thompson.  I know that at my age now I physically or mentally couldn’t repeat this particular hunt. I wouldn’t even want to try.  I hope you enjoy “The Tonsina Glacier Area.”